Policy Details
Date of Last Update
- Senior Leadership Team
Responsible Office
Human Resources
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Smoking (and Vaping) Policy
SLT 4.6
Policy Statement
Grand Valley State University acknowledges the findings of the Surgeon General that tobacco use in any form, active and/or passive, is a significant health hazard. Further, environmental tobacco smoke has been classified as a Class-A carcinogen and there is no known safe level of exposure to environmental tobacco smoke. GVSU has determined that it is in the best interest for the health of its community to ban the use of tobacco products in any form at any location owned or controlled by the university.
Eliminating opportunities for exposure to secondhand smoke protects the overall health of non-smokers. By updating this policy, Grand Valley State University is taking action to remove exposure to the harmful effects produced by smoking for the benefit of all members of the University Community.
Pursuant to this policy, no person* (a) shall smoke or vape or (b) otherwise use any product derived from or containing tobacco on any property owned or controlled by the university or in any vehicle owned, leased, or rented by the university. Products derived from or containing tobacco may not be sold on any property owned or controlled by the university. For the purposes of this policy, to “smoke” means to inhale, exhale, burn or carry any lighted or heated product including but not limited to tobacco or other plant material intended for inhalation, whether natural or synthetic. To “smoke” also includes the use of a pipe or hookah or any electronic smoking device which creates, in any manner, an aerosol or vapor, in any form or any other oral smoking device. Products derived from or containing tobacco include without being limited to cigarettes, (including clove, bidis, kreteks), electronic cigarettes, aerosol or vapor nicotine delivery devices, cigars/cigarillos, pipe tobacco, hookah-smoked products, and oral tobacco (spit and spitless, smokeless, chew, snuff).
There will be a one-year grace period from the effective date of this policy before it will be enforced. During the grace period, the previous restrictions on smoking will continue to be in place and enforced. Individuals who smoke and who wish to quit are encouraged to take advantage of the following smoking cessation programs.
*Traditional Native American spiritual, ceremonial, and cultural tobacco use is permitted on campus with prior approval by the requestor’s supervisor. If the use is for religious purposes, requestors should refer to the Religious Accommodation policy.
Smoking cessation supports are available at the Campus Health Center, local pharmacies, primary health care providers, and the local health departments. Students, faculty, and staff are encouraged to call ahead to inquire about fees. Prior to use of the campus health center, prospective patients may want to check with their health insurance provider to see if costs of any smoking cessation supports can be covered. Additional supports may be available through The Truth Initiative Tobacco/Vape-Free College Program Grant awarded to GVSU in 2024. This student led program will support Faculty, Students, and staff through the transition with educational and advocacy activities, to include free smoking cessation products. All FDA approved nicotine replacement therapy products will be permitted when used for purposes of smoking cessation.
Additional resources:
- Nicotine eCheckup - AOD - Alcohol & Other Drugs Services - Grand Valley State University (leela-thaimassage.com)
- Free Patches, Gum & Lozenges - 802Quits
- Where To Get Help When You Decide To Quit Smoking - NCI (cancer.gov)
- Quitting smoking / vaping | Truth Initiative
- Tobacco Prevention - Ottawa County, Michigan (miottawa.org)
- Cessation Resources (kentcountyhealthconnect.org)
- How to Quit | Smoking & Tobacco Use | CDC
The following procedures will remain in place for one year from the
effective date of this Policy. All properties including buildings at
all GVSU owned or controlled locations are designated as smoke
free. Smoking is prohibited in all indoor spaces;
including, but not limited to, educational, housing and dining locations.
Smoking is prohibited in all outdoor spaces within twenty-five
(25) feet of any GVSU building, within twenty-five feet of any GVSU
bus stop on University property and within twenty-five feet of the
Little Mac Bridge on the Allendale campus.
Smoking is prohibited in all University owned, leased or rented vehicles.
At all Intercollegiate Athletic facilities and at The Meadows Golf Club smoking is permitted in designated outdoor smoking areas only.
Smokers must cease smoking prior to entering any prohibited smoking area; twenty-five feet from any building, bus stop and bridge.
While GVSU permits smoking in areas not designated to be smoke free, it is the responsibility of smokers to be respectful of non-smokers in choosing a location in which to smoke so as to minimize non-smokers’ contact with second-hand smoke.
Smokers are responsible for properly disposing of all smoking related litter, which includes cigarette and cigar butts, tobacco, etc. Disposal of any smoking litter is not permitted on University grounds except in the provided ash receptacles.
If University facilities are rented by non-University individuals or groups, they shall be notified of and required to comply with this policy.
As the University acquires space or constructs new buildings or additions, smoking shall not be permitted in these buildings or areas. The above twenty-five foot distance from any building will be maintained at all new facilities.
GVSU recognizes that smoking is highly addictive. Smokers interested in assistance with quitting smoking should contact the appropriate office to learn about smoking cessation options and support. Students should contact the Campus Recreation Fitness and Wellness Office and faculty and staff members should contact Human Resources at 331-2215.
Policy Enforcement
This policy assumes that with notice to our community individuals will voluntarily adhere to these regulations and enforcement will not be needed. If smoking is observed in violation of this policy the appropriate action to take is to:
- Politely ask the person who is smoking either to stop smoking or to move to a designated smoking area, outside of the twenty-five foot perimeter of the building, bus stop or bridge.
- Should the problem persist, request the person’s name and status at Grand Valley (student, faculty, staff member or visitor). If the person refuses to identify themself, contact the Department of Public Safety Services at (616) 331-3255.
- If the person violating this policy is a student, a complaint may be filed with the Dean of Students' Office, (616) 331-3585, which shall take appropriate action.
- If the person is a faculty or staff member, a complaint may be filed with that person's dean, unit head or supervisor who shall act pursuant to the appropriate personnel policies.
- If the person is a visitor, a complaint may be filed with the Department of Public Safety on the Allendale campus or with Pew Campus Security for the Pew Campus and regional campuses who will take appropriate action.
For additional information on the effects of cigarette smoking please visit: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.